8 Dental Hygiene Tips for Adults
As we grow older, our mouths become more susceptible to illnesses. Gum disease, dry mouth, and root decay are all common as you get older. Dental problems have been connected to a variety of other health issues including heart disease, respiratory infections, and even psychological health concerns.
As a result, adults should strive for excellent oral health to avoid any of these dental issues. The good news is that your teeth are more likely to stay in good shape throughout your whole life if you take care of them properly. Here are some ideas for keeping your mouth healthy and retaining its strength:
Have a good dental hygiene routine
Brushing your teeth for two minutes, twice a day will help prevent plaque build-up. To make sure you brush every tooth clean, try to spend 30 seconds on each quadrant of your mouth (upper right side, upper left side, lower right side, lower left side).
To properly clean your teeth, you must first understand how to clean them correctly. You don’t want to damage the delicate tissue surrounding them by using the wrong technique. Angle the head of the brush towards the gums with small circular motions. Make sure to clean all surfaces and along gum lines on both sides of your teeth. Using an electric toothbrush can also be beneficial for some individuals.
Electric Toothbrush
Many people believe that using an electric toothbrush is the best way to go. As we age, it becomes harder to use a manual toothbrush effectively. So, seniors who switch to an electric toothbrush will often find that it assists them when they’re brushing. Switching can help elderly people who have limited movement because of degenerative diseases like arthritis and other health conditions too. An electric toothbrush does most of the physical work for you, ensuring that your teeth are getting a proper cleaning every day – even if you have dexterity issues.
Floss Teeth Once a Day
Plaque loves to hide where toothbrush bristles can’t reach, so it’s crucial that you floss every day. Doing so removes plaque hiding in between teeth and along the gum line, which helps prevent cavities from forming in between teeth–thus avoiding an unpleasant surprise during your next cleaning and examination with us.
Drink more water
Water is one of the most effective methods for improving tooth and gum health. It washes away germs and food particles that contribute to tooth decay, root loss, and gum disease. Fluoridated water will also aid in the development of enamel strength, increasing the structural integrity of your teeth.
Drinking water is necessary for people who have dry mouth or snorers who sleep through the night. Low saliva production creates the ideal conditions for mouth ulcers, tooth decay, gum disease, and bacterial accumulation.
Replace your toothbrush
A regular toothbrush should be replaced every three to six months to keep it in good working order. Damaged or frayed toothbrushes can’t effectively clean your teeth and may harm your gums. Replacing your toothbrush on a regular basis also allows you to help maintain it clean. Always rinse your toothbrush thoroughly after using it and put it away so that it can dry. If you’ve been sick, replace your toothbrush to avoid bacteria from returning to your mouth.
Eat healthy foods
Avoiding sweets such as pop, sports drinks, and candy, as well as high-calcium meals, can help your teeth stay strong. Your body will thank you for it! Leafy greens, almonds, yogurt, and cheese are all good sources of tooth strength. Research online or speak with our dentist about which meals might help your teeth last a long time.
Clean your dentures daily
Dentures are often seen as old-fashioned, but they can be necessary for older adults who have dental issues. If you have dentures, it’s key to clean them every day like your natural teeth. The main difference between dentures and real teeth is that dentures need a special formula designed specifically for dentures to be cleaned. Another tip: always keep your dentures in water or a Dentu-Creme solution when you’re not wearing them to prevent drying.
Regularly scheduled dental visits
We recommend that you have your teeth cleaned and examined every six months to preserve your dental health. Our dental hygienists can scrape plaque and tartar away during teeth cleaning. If plaque that has hardened into tartar isn’t eliminated by a dentist, the accumulation raises the danger of tooth decay and gum disease.
Your smile is one of the first things people will notice about you, so why not make sure it’s healthy and looking its best? Our dentists in El Paso offer teeth cleanings, oral examinations, and other preventive measures to help you maintain a beautiful smile. To schedule your next appointment with us, call 915-921-6200 today!